a video installation by Emma Delaney
Struts Gallery & Faucet Media are pleased to present a new video installation by Emma Delaney, which was made as part of the Timeshare Mentorship program, with guidance and support of Dani and Sheilah ReStack.
I am a rural person, I am a woman, I am queer.
I document myself in these landscapes as an attempt to create a place to understand myself and my identity with more clarity.
It may never be uncovered, this place but I hope my efforts show.
It is through puppeteering that I build community, these puppets are companions and lovers of sorts.
They hold space, they hold me.
-Artist Statement, Emma Delaney
Artist Biography
Emma Delaney is a queer female artist from rural New Brunswick, whose work fits within a conceptual art framework. She has recently completed her Bachelors of Fine Arts from Mount Allison University, and works throughout the Bay of Fundy region. She has a multidisciplinary practice focusing on performance, installation and daily drawings. Her practice incorporates personal investigations surrounding physical and mental health, past traumas, queerness and gender identity. Her daily drawings translates her inner thoughts into developed characters which then inform her larger installations, murals and performance. Recently, she has been focusing on documenting her intimate thoughts, through videos, physical movements and audio. Through her work, she is interested in talking about the issues that can arise from poorly taught sexual education, the enforced gender binary, and a lack of representation of LGBTQIA+ people in rural places.
To view a Zoom call Q&A between the artist and mentors, Dani and Sheilah ReStack, follow the link here.